The GOP establishment, the mainstream media, the Democrats and high tech executives fear a Trump candidacy and are together conspiring to stop Trump from winning the GOP nomination and, possibly, the presidency.
The mainstream media, already not known for integrity or objectivity, has been blatant in its attempts to derail this candidacy. Huffington Post adds a footnote to every article about Trump saying that he is a liar, sexist, racist, etc. Even Fox, the GOP network, has been openly against him from the start.
Some will say that he is a sexist because he said some insulting things about one woman: Rosie O’Donnell. Some say he is racist because he said that illegal immigrants are bringing illegal drugs and crime to our land. He is said to be anti-Muslim because he wanted to pause immigrating Muslims, especially from radicalized countries, until we can better evaluate who they are and what they want. Being labeled as racist, sexist, homophobic or anti Muslim make the accused the subject of discrediting ridicule and permissible intolerance.
Some say that Trump is too vulgar, outspoken, narcissistic and dishonest. He is definitely not politically correct.
Few are saying much about his terrible income tax reform ideas or his empty thoughts about replacing the Affordable Care Act or his plans to defeat radical Islam.
But what is it they really don’t like about Mr. Trump? What is Trump advocating?
He wants to seal our southern border, immediately repatriate those still caught sneaking in, and force businesses to EVerify all of their employees to ensure that they are authorized to work. He also wants to get many of those here illegally motivated to return to their homeland and has questioned whether children born to undocumented immigrants should be automatic U.S. citizens. Only one other developed country allows for this, Canada. (Ted Cruz was given birthright citizenship in Canada as a natural born citizen. One can’t be a natural born citizen of more than one country.)
Does that make Trump racist, anti-immigrant, anti-Latino or just against illegal immigration?
Should we continue to have a broken border allowing hundreds of thousands of people to enter our country illegally? Does a country have a right to decide who comes through its borders or to use its available funds to help its own citizens before it takes on the world’s poor? But the Democrats want open borders and eventual citizenship for all interlopers out of compassion and the desire to expand their base. The Republicans want open borders to provide cheap labor while keeping other labor costs down as well. Lower labor costs means more profit,which means more money, which means more power, which means greater freedom and access to luxury.
Looking at the experience of our European allies with refugees pouring in from the Middle East and Africa, should the U.S. let the same thing happen here before setting up a system to fully vet all applicants and develop priorities for admission to our shores? Is our country responsible for taking in refugees from more than 7,000 miles away when their regional neighbors who share their religion, culture, language, values and beliefs refuse to help?
Is it anti-Muslim to want to ensure that our people are safe from the terrorism that has spread cancer-like through the Middle East and Africa? Do we have an obligation to take in more people needing our aid when we have tens of millions of Americans that need our attention and our tax dollars?
Mr. Trump has had the temerity to say that the emperor has no clothes to his fellow Republicans. He has the nerve to say that Bush’s invasion of Iraq and sloppy coverage in Afghanistan have led to the spread of jihadist brutality throughout that region. Republicans have amnesia regarding George II’s eight years. They just remember how nice he seemed and how Republican he was. They forget that he almost destroyed our economy and got us into two unnecessary wars that cost us trillions of dollars and thousands of young American lives.
Mr. Trump is against American interventions in different parts of the world. He would close many of our 700+ foreign military bases and make the host countries that want us to remain pay the entire cost of our presence. The GOP wants to expand our military and intervene in more struggles around the world. The GOP hawks want more war not less. Mr. Trump would threaten their bloodlust.
Mr. Trump is for free trade but against many of our free trade pacts that have cost Americans millions of factory jobs and its own self sufficiency.We now depend on foreign countries to provide for our needs with electronics, appliances, clothing, and even children’s games. He says that we are being taken advantage of by the Chinese and Mexico. Is he wrong? We are running huge trading deficits with each country.
The GOP establishment cannot forgive him these trespasses from party doctrine. But there are a few of his views that they might dislike even more.
The GOP establishment fear that Trump is not really against abortion no matter what he says. Pro-life is one of the pillars of the modern GOP. The GOP refuses to realize that this issue is a fait accomplis. They believe that Trump is not against gay marriage. This again is a moral issue for Republicans and also is a done deal that will not be reversed.
The GOP appears to be Trumped. Could the Democrats be next?
The mainstream media, already not known for integrity or objectivity, has been blatant in its attempts to derail this candidacy. Huffington Post adds a footnote to every article about Trump saying that he is a liar, sexist, racist, etc. Even Fox, the GOP network, has been openly against him from the start.
Some will say that he is a sexist because he said some insulting things about one woman: Rosie O’Donnell. Some say he is racist because he said that illegal immigrants are bringing illegal drugs and crime to our land. He is said to be anti-Muslim because he wanted to pause immigrating Muslims, especially from radicalized countries, until we can better evaluate who they are and what they want. Being labeled as racist, sexist, homophobic or anti Muslim make the accused the subject of discrediting ridicule and permissible intolerance.
Some say that Trump is too vulgar, outspoken, narcissistic and dishonest. He is definitely not politically correct.
Few are saying much about his terrible income tax reform ideas or his empty thoughts about replacing the Affordable Care Act or his plans to defeat radical Islam.
But what is it they really don’t like about Mr. Trump? What is Trump advocating?
He wants to seal our southern border, immediately repatriate those still caught sneaking in, and force businesses to EVerify all of their employees to ensure that they are authorized to work. He also wants to get many of those here illegally motivated to return to their homeland and has questioned whether children born to undocumented immigrants should be automatic U.S. citizens. Only one other developed country allows for this, Canada. (Ted Cruz was given birthright citizenship in Canada as a natural born citizen. One can’t be a natural born citizen of more than one country.)
Does that make Trump racist, anti-immigrant, anti-Latino or just against illegal immigration?
Should we continue to have a broken border allowing hundreds of thousands of people to enter our country illegally? Does a country have a right to decide who comes through its borders or to use its available funds to help its own citizens before it takes on the world’s poor? But the Democrats want open borders and eventual citizenship for all interlopers out of compassion and the desire to expand their base. The Republicans want open borders to provide cheap labor while keeping other labor costs down as well. Lower labor costs means more profit,which means more money, which means more power, which means greater freedom and access to luxury.
Looking at the experience of our European allies with refugees pouring in from the Middle East and Africa, should the U.S. let the same thing happen here before setting up a system to fully vet all applicants and develop priorities for admission to our shores? Is our country responsible for taking in refugees from more than 7,000 miles away when their regional neighbors who share their religion, culture, language, values and beliefs refuse to help?
Is it anti-Muslim to want to ensure that our people are safe from the terrorism that has spread cancer-like through the Middle East and Africa? Do we have an obligation to take in more people needing our aid when we have tens of millions of Americans that need our attention and our tax dollars?
Mr. Trump has had the temerity to say that the emperor has no clothes to his fellow Republicans. He has the nerve to say that Bush’s invasion of Iraq and sloppy coverage in Afghanistan have led to the spread of jihadist brutality throughout that region. Republicans have amnesia regarding George II’s eight years. They just remember how nice he seemed and how Republican he was. They forget that he almost destroyed our economy and got us into two unnecessary wars that cost us trillions of dollars and thousands of young American lives.
Mr. Trump is against American interventions in different parts of the world. He would close many of our 700+ foreign military bases and make the host countries that want us to remain pay the entire cost of our presence. The GOP wants to expand our military and intervene in more struggles around the world. The GOP hawks want more war not less. Mr. Trump would threaten their bloodlust.
Mr. Trump is for free trade but against many of our free trade pacts that have cost Americans millions of factory jobs and its own self sufficiency.We now depend on foreign countries to provide for our needs with electronics, appliances, clothing, and even children’s games. He says that we are being taken advantage of by the Chinese and Mexico. Is he wrong? We are running huge trading deficits with each country.
The GOP establishment cannot forgive him these trespasses from party doctrine. But there are a few of his views that they might dislike even more.
The GOP establishment fear that Trump is not really against abortion no matter what he says. Pro-life is one of the pillars of the modern GOP. The GOP refuses to realize that this issue is a fait accomplis. They believe that Trump is not against gay marriage. This again is a moral issue for Republicans and also is a done deal that will not be reversed.
The GOP appears to be Trumped. Could the Democrats be next?