A New Political Party and Agenda
If you are tired of the excesses of the Left and Right, of liberals and conservatives, of Democrats and Republicans, take heart - a third party is emerging - the Independent Moderate Party.
It will have a simple, straightforward platform for future government. Here are the planks:
I. Reducing income inequality -
A. Raise the minimum wage to $10 per hour now and up to $15 an hour in
five years.
B. Change the federal tax code with all income considered equally taxable, and no itemized deductions or
credits, just a standard one and only six,
tax brackets with the highest being 35% for incomes over $1 million.
C. Improve pre K-12 public education, including a change in curriculum
D. Bring manufacturing jobs for clothing, electronics and appliances back to USA via trade agreements to
produce good paying jobs.
E. Put financial reforms in place splitting up banks into retail and investment.
II. Reducing the budget deficit -
A. Close most of our 700+ foreign military bases, shrink the infantry and expand special forces, letting host
countries, regional treaty organizations and the U.N. ensure their security.
B. Enacting 1A and 1B which would raise taxes while reducing transfer payments such as Earned Income
Credit, food stamps and rent subsidies.
C. Reduce foreign aid that now exceeds $50 billion a year.
D. Reduce prison populations by releasing prisoners who are no risk to society.
E. Legalize and tax marijuana.
F. Route out waste and fraud in government programs and healthcare.
G. Stop minting pennies and nickels.
III. Improving the Environment
A. Dramatically increase solar and wind power sources while limiting coal production and domestic oil use.
B. Plant tens of millions of trees, especially near factories.
C. Strictly enforce fair EPA regulations.
D. Encourage alternate transportation choices like walking, biking or living nearby.
IV. Improving the Political Environment
A. Eliminate campaign contributions, shorten and change the primary and campaign efforts.
B. Work with Congress on moderate measures avoiding extremism.
C. Make legislation simple and clear so the public and legislators understand it.
D. Encourage moderation.
V. Improving Immigration System
A. Secure the borders and our VISA system.
B. Penalize companies hiring undocumented workers
C. Allow undocumented residents to get documentation if they have not violated the law. They must be paid
what others are but will not be eligible to citizenship or welfare.
D. Change criteria for legal immigration to be people with skills we need and not distant relatives of legal
E. Make English the official language.
VI. Making Social Security Secure
A. Immediately raise FICA deduction to be 8% for both employer and employee instead of current 7.65%
(this would include 6.5% for Social Security and 1.5% for Medicare).
B. Over time, raise the FICA deduction to 10% each.
C. Raise the maximum amount subject to FICA deduction to $200,000
from the current $110,000 ceiling.
D. Make all Social Security benefits payments subject to federal income tax, not just a maximum of 85% of
benefits. All tax collected goes back into the trust for Social Security.
VII. Making Medicare Healthy
A. Route out fraud and waste said to be in the hundreds of billions.
B. Use improvements in communications to dramatically reduce doctors‘ visits and lab tests.
C. Improve preventive and treatment strategies to reduce the incidence and severity of major diseases like
heart, cancer, liver damage and AIDS.
D. Dramatically reduce incidence of obesity now affecting one out of three Americans.
E. Dramatically reduce number of people smoking cigarettes.
F. Dramatically reduce the rate of alcoholism.
G. Legalize euthanasia.
VIII. Foreign Policy
A. Maintain a non interventionist position
B. Support strengthening the U.N. to police the world
C. Support NATO and encourage the strengthening of all regional alliances (e.g. African, Latin American,
Arab, and Asian)
D. Dramatically reduce foreign military footprint closing most foreign bases and cutting most foreign aid.
E. Use economic pressure, rather than military force to change behavior.
If you are tired of the excesses of the Left and Right, of liberals and conservatives, of Democrats and Republicans, take heart - a third party is emerging - the Independent Moderate Party.
It will have a simple, straightforward platform for future government. Here are the planks:
I. Reducing income inequality -
A. Raise the minimum wage to $10 per hour now and up to $15 an hour in
five years.
B. Change the federal tax code with all income considered equally taxable, and no itemized deductions or
credits, just a standard one and only six,
tax brackets with the highest being 35% for incomes over $1 million.
C. Improve pre K-12 public education, including a change in curriculum
D. Bring manufacturing jobs for clothing, electronics and appliances back to USA via trade agreements to
produce good paying jobs.
E. Put financial reforms in place splitting up banks into retail and investment.
II. Reducing the budget deficit -
A. Close most of our 700+ foreign military bases, shrink the infantry and expand special forces, letting host
countries, regional treaty organizations and the U.N. ensure their security.
B. Enacting 1A and 1B which would raise taxes while reducing transfer payments such as Earned Income
Credit, food stamps and rent subsidies.
C. Reduce foreign aid that now exceeds $50 billion a year.
D. Reduce prison populations by releasing prisoners who are no risk to society.
E. Legalize and tax marijuana.
F. Route out waste and fraud in government programs and healthcare.
G. Stop minting pennies and nickels.
III. Improving the Environment
A. Dramatically increase solar and wind power sources while limiting coal production and domestic oil use.
B. Plant tens of millions of trees, especially near factories.
C. Strictly enforce fair EPA regulations.
D. Encourage alternate transportation choices like walking, biking or living nearby.
IV. Improving the Political Environment
A. Eliminate campaign contributions, shorten and change the primary and campaign efforts.
B. Work with Congress on moderate measures avoiding extremism.
C. Make legislation simple and clear so the public and legislators understand it.
D. Encourage moderation.
V. Improving Immigration System
A. Secure the borders and our VISA system.
B. Penalize companies hiring undocumented workers
C. Allow undocumented residents to get documentation if they have not violated the law. They must be paid
what others are but will not be eligible to citizenship or welfare.
D. Change criteria for legal immigration to be people with skills we need and not distant relatives of legal
E. Make English the official language.
VI. Making Social Security Secure
A. Immediately raise FICA deduction to be 8% for both employer and employee instead of current 7.65%
(this would include 6.5% for Social Security and 1.5% for Medicare).
B. Over time, raise the FICA deduction to 10% each.
C. Raise the maximum amount subject to FICA deduction to $200,000
from the current $110,000 ceiling.
D. Make all Social Security benefits payments subject to federal income tax, not just a maximum of 85% of
benefits. All tax collected goes back into the trust for Social Security.
VII. Making Medicare Healthy
A. Route out fraud and waste said to be in the hundreds of billions.
B. Use improvements in communications to dramatically reduce doctors‘ visits and lab tests.
C. Improve preventive and treatment strategies to reduce the incidence and severity of major diseases like
heart, cancer, liver damage and AIDS.
D. Dramatically reduce incidence of obesity now affecting one out of three Americans.
E. Dramatically reduce number of people smoking cigarettes.
F. Dramatically reduce the rate of alcoholism.
G. Legalize euthanasia.
VIII. Foreign Policy
A. Maintain a non interventionist position
B. Support strengthening the U.N. to police the world
C. Support NATO and encourage the strengthening of all regional alliances (e.g. African, Latin American,
Arab, and Asian)
D. Dramatically reduce foreign military footprint closing most foreign bases and cutting most foreign aid.
E. Use economic pressure, rather than military force to change behavior.
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