When Did Americans Stop Thinking?
Each day I see more evidence that we no longer think but instead memorize, copy and feel. I blame the problems not only on unthinking parents but also on our education system and our media. The examples abound.
Years ago someone decided that adjectives should be used as nouns and visa versa. So female officers were called women officers. But male officers were not called man officers. The same happened with doctors , lawyers etc. We all disregarded grammar and changed it.
Some people decided that a football team must change its name after 81 years because it was a negative term for American Indians. A poll of the affected group was conducted and 90% of those polled said that they didn't care.
Then some people decided that Americans of African descent who traced their American roots back hundreds of years must be called African-Americans. No one called Americans of European parents European-Americans. This hyphenated name is reminiscent of what Jews were called. If they were of German birth and descent, they were called German-Hebrews or simply Jews. This was not meant as a compliment. Hyphonating a nationality diminishes the affected group. Then some people decided that American Indians were to be called Native Americans not realizing that everyone born in America is called a native American. The thought must have been that by changing these names the groups would be more likely to prosper. They were wrong.
Then after a crazy man killed nine churchgoers in South Carolina it was found that he had a picture of himself with a confederate flag, and it was decided that all such flags must be taken down. This led to some objecting to 100 year old statues of Southern Civil War leaders thinking that was hurtful to black Americans who were not getting over what happened 150 years ago. The Jews got over the Nazis and their genocide which happened 70 years ago, and still buy German cars like VW which was created by Hitler. Then it was decided that the statues must be torn down. This led to the notion that every American hero should no longer be honored if they had slaves or mistreated Indians. So George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson should no longer be honored with statues or places named after them. They wanted New York to have a name change because his namesake did thing we would not do today. All our currency should be changed removing these Americans who did things we no longer do. Some students at Princeton wanted President Wilson's name be removed because even though he was a liberal U.S. President and the father of what became the U.N. as well as having been president of Princeton. Some students wanted the name "dorm master" because it was a reminders of slaver owners. They did want the master's degree name changed nor the adjective denoting excellence altered.
Recently at the birthplace of free speech, U.C. Berkeley, students rioted to keep people from speaking because they disagreed with them. Berkeley administrators did nothing to stop the vandalism and rioting. The protestors were not ordered to actually hear the speeches, but they didn't want anyone else to.
The liberals rioted protesting against fascist goups as well as the President. There signs said that love conquers hate and that we all must be tolerant. Then they showed hatred towards the labeled haters and were intolerant of those they thought were intolerant. Apparently they never saw or were shown the irony and hypocrisy of their actions.
A group called Antifa because they were against fascism were themselves faschistic and only one politician, Nancy Pelosi pointed this out. The others were afraid to.
Recently the disabled came to protest a disgraceful attempt to change the Affordable Care Act which did need changes but not those in the new legislation. They shared with us their terrible health conditions saying they could die if these draconian changes went into effect. No one pointed out that those who were disabled were covered either by Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) if they worked long enough to qualify or the Supplemental Security Insurance if they didn't
or got too low an SSDI benefit. Those having the former, SSDI, automatically got Medicare while those on SSI got Medicaid. This legislation would not change that. But still it was impressive seeing them there and hearing their sad stories. No one pointed this out to us.
In the past few years some black Americans were killed by police. In the most prominent ones grand juries or juries found the officers not guilty by reason of self defense. The first was in Ferguson where a 6 feet 5 inch recent high school football players was shot and killed as he advanced to kill the officer who was arresting him for strong arm robbery. The grand jury called all the witnesses and found that there were no hands up. The U.S. Attorney General investigated and came up with the same finding. We began seeing athletes and liberal politicians putting their hands up not mindful that it never happened.
In Baltimore a young drug dealer resisted his 20th arrest of the year and in the process accidentally hit his head in the police van. He died several days later. Jury after jury found the officers not guilty. But we still had riots in the streets. In the next six weeks 56 people were murdered in Baltimore with 55 of them being black as were their assailants. The media never told us.
In Staten Island a morbidly obese 6 feet 5 inch man resisted his 30th arrest. He died of a heart attack. Some courageous basketball players came out with shirts saying "I can't breathe." when having a heart attack the feeling is that you can't get air.
But there were unlawful murders by police of black Americans. It happened in Chicago, Dallas, Buffalo and South Carolina. These officers lost their jobs and were prosecuted.
Recently a football player who had been benched for two seasons and realized his career and paychecks were over, would not stand for the flag or National Anthem. Soon other misguided souls joined him in civil disobedience. No one pointed out that nowhere in the world were blacks doing better. We have Americans of African descent who are billionaires, multimillionairs and millionaires including professional athletes than every other country combined. We elected a black president, the first one outside Africa.
I blame our education system at least through high school that stresses memorization and sympathy instead of thinking after reviewing all the evidence. I blame our media for not pointing out these erroneous beliefs.
I blame parents who do not teach their children to think clearly, respect the law, and work hard to accomplish their goals.
It's not too late to change,but are we smart enough to realize that a change is needed? I hope so.
What do you think?
What do you think?