Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Have We All Gone Crazy?

I’ve been noticing significant signs of our insanity. 

We have been told how diversity made this country. We are to forget that the founding fathers and the 43 presidents of our country were all white Christians. This ended only when Barack Obama was elected being neither. He was a great president, but the only diverse one. 

We are told that all colleges need diversity to succeed and that diversity is more important than talent, hard work or excellence. Since the 60s we have been lowering our educational standards to accommodate diverse populations.

I now see more people in various vocations making countless mistakes while being exempt from criticism.

I go to a top hospital which bills me for my share of payment. They first billed the wrong insurance company, then they used the wrong billing code, then they used the incorrect group number and then they billed me incorrectly. This all took place in less than two months.

I live in one of the most crowded cities with a 1.5 million daytime population within 47 square miles, not counting the Presidio. Some need to park their cars.  But two agencies charged with posting no parking signs for moving or construction have ridiculous practices. S.F. DPW responsible for posting signs three days before the effective date, don’t. While construction workers rarely work past 4 p.m. or on Saturdays, they are issued signs going from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday. The parking control department charges the same for one space or five. Some opt for five when only two are needed. Almost no one objects and when these departments are asked to review their policies, they ignore the complaints knowing that they are immune from any consquences. Many residents affected by these failed policies say nothing or perhaps don’t notice them.

Probably the best invention of the 21st century has been the smart phone. It not only can make phone calls, it can also send text messages, show emails and allow for response. They also are timepieces, alarms, stop watches, cameras, video taping devices, games, and access to countless applications. They even can provide lighting. They are amazing, too amazing. Now we cannot get off our smart phones. We look at them while talking in person with others, at restaurants leaving food to grow cold, while walking and while driving. The obsession affects Americans of every age and background.

We have seen a rise in fascism on the right and the left. While those on the far right carry dispicable banners through the streets, the left extremists limit all speech with which they disagree, sometimes violently. They destroy monuments depicting civil war heroes, object to names of football teams, names different groups are called, and want all tributes to our countrie’s leaders ended because they had the attitude toward people in protected classes. They want us forget Columbus, Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, Teddy Roosevelt, and even Woodrow Wilson. They want New York to be renamed because the namesake also did some things that we today find objectionable. And most do not object to the left wing extremism because at least they are not right wingers. We hate the haters and have no tolerance for the those we label intolerant without ever seeing the irony and hypocricy.

We lambast a predential candidate for making senseless, juvenile remarks about his fantasies about women. We call him a misogynist, but we forget about a past president who continuaslly cheated on his wife, even with a teenager, just out of high school and working as a White House intern. We forget about a more recent president who finally had admit a long extramarital affair, charges of making unwanted sexual advances and having oral sex with a 22 year old intern in the oval office. These two presidents are never called misogynists, because we liked them.

Large groups of Americans are involved in countless protests without realizing that they no effect on policy, but feel proud of their courage.

We want all those who enter our country illegally to be allowed to stay and then become citizens disregarding the tremendous cost of those who ignore our laws and cost us billions. We don’t care that they take jobs away from our least educated who need jobs the most. We are told that these are jobs Americans don’t want but the majority of workers in these fields are Americans

We have the Affordable Care Act, doomed to failure from the start, making signups mandatory, forcing every possible medical situation to be covered and not allowing insurers to reject anyone regardless of their severe, costly medical condition, when a much better option is available which would ernsure that every Ametrican who wants coveraqge can get it and for a reduced cost.

Try to contact your local, state and federal representatives. They will not respond feeling they don’t have to because they are not accountable to voters.

Call your cell phone company and try to get them to increase the volume for incoming calls or to active a free service. They will ask for a PIN number that you can’t possibly know and should not need. Would anyone else request these services for you? We are terrified of identity thieves but go too far to keep everything secret. Try to get your medical test results and you will asked to sign a letter of consent allowing your medical facility to honor your request. Next you will probably be asked to sign a form allowing them to honor your request to have the request honored.

It seems that no one is accountable anymore and they know it.

Have we all gone crazy?

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