What’s Right and Wrong with Our Two Parties
I am neither a Republican or a Democrat and I am neither a Conservative or a Liberal. I am a moderate Independent. I don’t judge things as either. I have friends who are very liberal and some who are very Conservative. So I can disgree with one’s party position and agree on another. I think that the country is getting more liberal and that makes the Conservatives more extreme. I voted twice for Barack Obama and thought he was a great president, one of the greatest in almost 100 years. For his first six years I think was a centrist until extreme liberals pushed him left when it came to stopping illegal immigration, about taking in 100,000 refugees a year and for not stopping the protests turned riots in places like Ferguson where the riots lasted four months long because of the misguided ideas of what went on there. A grand jury and the U.S Attorney General concluded the officer killed the 6’5’ recent high school football player in self defense as he was trying to do great bodily harm to police officer. The president should have announced this misperception of the rioters.
When Trump ran against HRC it seemed that he was the only one with real ideas and plans to make America great again. He was going to reverse illegal immigration both at the border and with those already in the country while commiting crimes or disregarding their deportation orders. No one in his right mind could truly believe that illegal immigration is good.
He also wanted to limit the number of legal immigration by making merit the first criterion and then to close relatives of the sponsoring American to parents, spouses and their children. Again does anyone believe that we should invite distant relatives come in?
He wanted to change our foreign policy by insisting that other countries and cultures be just like ours. He was against nation building. To this end he wanted us to stop intervening in the internal asffairs of other countries as we did in Vietnam, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Libya.
He wanted to reduce the amout of aid we give to other NATO countries wanting those with American bases to pay for the cost of these troops.
But I don’t agree with some of his other plans.
He wanted to expand the coal mining even though it was inefficient and did harm to the environment.
He wants to build the pipeline from Canada.
He denies climate change.
He sends texting some of which is devisive or inflamitory.
He openly criticizes his own cabinet members instead of doing it privately, if at all.
The healthcare reforms that he was willing to sign off on were terrible.
His income tax “reform” is mainly disastrous. I do like the idea of getting rid of tax deductions and credits, replacing them with a standard deduction and making the top tax bracket at 35%.
So what does make me? Am I too conservative or too liberal? Could I be neither?
Nowadays free speech is silenced if it disagrees with our liberals who will immediately label the speaker to encourage the public to ignore him.
If you say you against Israel building housing in the West Bank, currently occupied by the Israelies, you are an anti-Semite never mind the fact that Jews and Arabs are Semitic.
If you say that you are against gay marriage, you are labeled homophobic.
If you are against illegal immigration and a part of our legal immigrant population, you are considered a racist and a xenophobe.
If you express conservative positions and are invited to speak at college campuses, liberals do whatever they can to stop it even rioting which they justify by saying that these people are hateful, so being hateful toward them is somehow acceptable.
If you are against the destruction of 100 year old monuments because they honor those who fought for the losing side in the Civil War and are not against honoring American leaders by having them on currency because they had slaves and naming states, cities and streets after them, you are called insensitve and racist.
If you say that the disrepect shown by football players who make than $1 million a year for playing their favorite sport for three or four months and who got free college education in schools to which they would have otherwize been ineligible, is somehow acceptable you are too liberal. If you remind us that about four blacks were improperly killed by police officers in the past six years and that blacks have killed as many as 40 thousand fellow blacks during the same period, you are also considered racist and insensitive to their suffering.
If you made some stupid and adolescent comments about your desire for women, you are a misogynist.
Labeling dissenters is the new scarlet letter.
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