For some time, we heard the opinions of famous people not known for their expertise in the cited issue.
I noticed first with physicists. Albert Einstein, was one of the world's greatest mathematician and scientist. Almost all of his predictions came true. But then he tried his hand at social science. He came out with the now well known statement - "insanity is doing the same thing expecting different results." Nonsense. It's called perseverance. I live in a building with an elevator. I press the button to get the lift but nothing happens. I press it again with no result. I do the very same thing again and I get the elevator. The same with trying to fix a lens that got knocked out of its position. I tried the same thing for five times with no effect. I tried the same thing a sixth time and was successful. The examples abound, but still some people quote him because he was a great scientist.
When asked whether he believed in reincarnation, he was said to answer that G-d could not be so cruel. Cruel?
Another award winning physicist said that there is no free will except for what others do to us. He gave driving as an example. If someone honks at us we use our non existent free will, not realizing that if we have no free will, everything is predetermined and a part of a larger puzzle, including everything that happens to us.
A brilliant physicist named Stephen Hawkins said that in the beginning there was nothing and nothing precedes nothing. So if I lost everything I ever owned and had nothing, it means I always had nothing. Physicists have come around to the realization that nothing exists before consciousness which is not nothing even though it is not a thing.
Now we have people famous because of their acting skill or sense of humor give their opinion.
One of the greatest actresses who has ever been, is a wonderful person by all accounts. When accepting yet another award for acting, instead of acknowledging all the people who helped her, she made an absurd speech about nominee Trump. It was embarrassing. Whoever wrote that speech should find another line of work.
One of America's greatest actors, came out making insulting remarks about the President, though he did not know what he was talking about. He's a great actor but not a great thinker.
We hear from some "comedians" regarding politics. One held a beheaded Trump. Another spent much of her "comedy" routine at the press dinner, insulting the woman sitting next to her, Sarah Sanders ( no relation to Bernie Sanders).
A few years ago we saw a football player who was in his second season of bench warming, his career was over. He decided to get attention and maybe a chance to play, by kneeling for the National Anthem. Other black players joined the chorus for solidarity with one of their own. They were blaming America for its treatment of fellow blacks. Over the previous few years, several black men were killed by police. What these players did not object to was that the majority of U.S murder victims are black as are 93% of their assailants. They did not decry Chicago inner city dwellers who can kill more fellow blacks in a weekend than are mistakenly killed by cops each year. Remember these are football players who got college for free, and make more than a million dollars a year for playing half of the season's 17 games doing their favorite things. Almost 1,000 NFL players make at least $1million a year.
Now one of our greatest basketball player said that white NFL team owners treat players like slaves. This from a man who makes $80 million a year and is free to go anywhere. He also reminded us that the Nazis built the Berlin Wall, except they didn't. The Soviets built it to keep communist East Germany from capitalist West Germany.
My advice is stick to what you know. If I don't know anything about art, I should not publicly denounce a work of art, unless I mention that it is my opinion alone. I think that each of us is great at something and ignorant about many other pursuits.
I noticed first with physicists. Albert Einstein, was one of the world's greatest mathematician and scientist. Almost all of his predictions came true. But then he tried his hand at social science. He came out with the now well known statement - "insanity is doing the same thing expecting different results." Nonsense. It's called perseverance. I live in a building with an elevator. I press the button to get the lift but nothing happens. I press it again with no result. I do the very same thing again and I get the elevator. The same with trying to fix a lens that got knocked out of its position. I tried the same thing for five times with no effect. I tried the same thing a sixth time and was successful. The examples abound, but still some people quote him because he was a great scientist.
When asked whether he believed in reincarnation, he was said to answer that G-d could not be so cruel. Cruel?
Another award winning physicist said that there is no free will except for what others do to us. He gave driving as an example. If someone honks at us we use our non existent free will, not realizing that if we have no free will, everything is predetermined and a part of a larger puzzle, including everything that happens to us.
A brilliant physicist named Stephen Hawkins said that in the beginning there was nothing and nothing precedes nothing. So if I lost everything I ever owned and had nothing, it means I always had nothing. Physicists have come around to the realization that nothing exists before consciousness which is not nothing even though it is not a thing.
Now we have people famous because of their acting skill or sense of humor give their opinion.
One of the greatest actresses who has ever been, is a wonderful person by all accounts. When accepting yet another award for acting, instead of acknowledging all the people who helped her, she made an absurd speech about nominee Trump. It was embarrassing. Whoever wrote that speech should find another line of work.
One of America's greatest actors, came out making insulting remarks about the President, though he did not know what he was talking about. He's a great actor but not a great thinker.
We hear from some "comedians" regarding politics. One held a beheaded Trump. Another spent much of her "comedy" routine at the press dinner, insulting the woman sitting next to her, Sarah Sanders ( no relation to Bernie Sanders).
A few years ago we saw a football player who was in his second season of bench warming, his career was over. He decided to get attention and maybe a chance to play, by kneeling for the National Anthem. Other black players joined the chorus for solidarity with one of their own. They were blaming America for its treatment of fellow blacks. Over the previous few years, several black men were killed by police. What these players did not object to was that the majority of U.S murder victims are black as are 93% of their assailants. They did not decry Chicago inner city dwellers who can kill more fellow blacks in a weekend than are mistakenly killed by cops each year. Remember these are football players who got college for free, and make more than a million dollars a year for playing half of the season's 17 games doing their favorite things. Almost 1,000 NFL players make at least $1million a year.
Now one of our greatest basketball player said that white NFL team owners treat players like slaves. This from a man who makes $80 million a year and is free to go anywhere. He also reminded us that the Nazis built the Berlin Wall, except they didn't. The Soviets built it to keep communist East Germany from capitalist West Germany.
My advice is stick to what you know. If I don't know anything about art, I should not publicly denounce a work of art, unless I mention that it is my opinion alone. I think that each of us is great at something and ignorant about many other pursuits.