Wednesday, October 24, 2018

If They Say They were Mistreated, You Must Believe Them

The new mantra is if they make a claim of sexual impropriety, you must believe them even if it turns out to be false; even if it ruins the innocent accused. Even the accused are guilty before proven innocent; we don't need due process. The mantra refers to women but other groups could also apply. 

Women have been subjugated throughout history. Their claims of sexual harassment have gone ignored. Even rape got little attention, so if a woman claims she was sexually assaulted, she was.

Many years ago a woman in New York, Tawana Brawley, claimed that she was raped by four white men which included a police officer and a prosecutor. Their careers were tarnished. Then we found that she was lying.

More recently a party entertainer claimed she was gang raped by several Duke Lacross players. The accused were kicked off the team and forced out of the school. After years of investigations, the woman was found to be lying. The students who were presumed guilty sued the university for how all the damage of this tale affected their lives.

A student at Brown University claimed that she was raped while she was drunk. The entire student body turned against the accused. He was ostracized and forced to leave school. That claim also turned out to be false. The accused sued Brown for millions.

A coed at the University of Virginia claimed that she was gang raped by a group of fraternity boys while her boyfriend watched. The Rolling Stone wrote about this allegation as though it were true. The fraternity was a kicked off campus and a few college administers had to step down. It turned out to be untrue. The accused students sued the magazine for its sloppy reporting.

But though these claims were false as were those made recently against a Supreme Court appointment based on her allegations. She couldn't remember when it happened, where it happened, how she got there and how she got home. None of her "witnesses" said it ever happened. She took a lie detecter test and the results were inconclusive. We then learned that she knew how to cheat the detecter. The result was that the Senate approval was delayed with Democrats hoping that thanks to this false allegation, they can run out the clock. Now, though no one claimed rape and though her allegations proved to politically motivated, young progressives starting calling him a rapist.  Now senators who voted for this fine juror were subjected to verbal attacks. One senator who was about to get an honorary degree from a state university, was to be denied the degree because she voted for a sex offender.

Those who say "believe her" remind us of all the women who never got justice, so even patently false claims should be believed.

But what about members of groups that were mistreated for hundreds or even thousands of years? Should we believe them when they claim to be discriminated against?

What about Americans of African descent? Haven't they suffered from racism? Many had ancestors who were African slaves who were sold to Western slave traders. They were slaves in America until 1865. Then they were subjected to Jim Crow laws that segregated them in schools, restaurants, on buses, water fountains and bathrooms. Surely, if they claim discrimination, we should believe them even before investigating the claims?

What about American Jews? Their ancestors were slaves in Egypt,  were overrun by the Romans and had their temple destroyed twice. They were marginalized in Europe with many of those countries expelling Jews or persecuting them at one time or another. When they complained about their mistreatment they were ignored.

Starting in the 1920s, Ivy League schools like Harvard set low quotas for Jewish applicants, perhaps believing that their superior intellects gave them an unfair advantage when competing for admissions. (Now they are limiting Asian admissions perhaps feeling that their  superior motivation would give them an unfair advantage.) Shouldn't we believe them, if they claim discrimination? Who know it better?

Lately, a gay young man has claimed that a junior Senator from New Jersey, also known as Spartacus, had dreams of running for President in 2020. Haven't LGBTQ members faced enough discrimination. Should we believe him even though he is making a claim about a Democrat?

But what choice do we have? 

We can hear all complaints of wrongdoing based on gender or ancestry, withholding judgment until a full investigation is concluded. We can remember that in America people are presumed innocent until proven guilty in due process. As Reagan said of the Russians, trust but verify.

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