Saturday, January 27, 2018

What Has the Trump Presidency Done?

Most people and the mainstream media don't like President Trump. He appears to be narcissistic and dishonest. He boasts about himself, something none of us appreciate. He insults people, the media and the system. He is neither diplomatic or politically correct. But what has he proposed?

He promised to fix the flawed Affordable Care Act. He was only able to eliminate the mandatory enrollment of individuals who do not have medical coverage. He was unable to get Congress to make more changes.

He promised to simplify the tax code. The Congress came close. They approved a standard deduction of $15,000/$30,000 meaning more people will pay less in taxes while abandoning the itemized deductions. I would have a $20,000/$40,000 standard deduction and no itemized deductions. Those earning $1 million or more would pay a straight 35% and all sources of income (e.g. dividends, interest, earned income, etc.) would be treated as equally taxable. The change that passed was a start.

He promised to get us out of the trade agreements which are unfavorable to the U.S. interest. He has by eliminating the Pacific plan and getting the NAFTA to be improved.

He promised to bring manufacturing back to America with lower tax rates and higher tariffs. Business investment and the resultant, added employment opportunities have greatly improved in the past year. The former administration blamed outsourcing on automation. Trump has proved them wrong.

He promised to get us out of being the nation builder and the world's 911. We are still in Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq, however. He questioned the share we pay for NATO and the U.N.  Adjustments are now being made in both.

He promised to get rid of ISIS. In cooperation with others, ISIS is gone, except online.

He promised to put an end to illegal immigration, in part by building a wall on our southern border. He is now trying to get $25 billion to pay for construction. He said that he would deport those committing crimes and those who arrived recently. Is he wrong to want to protect our borders and respect our immigration policy?

He also wants to limit chain migration in which a large number of relatives can get visas to come here. He wants to limit it to spouses and their children. And he wants a merit based immigration system instead of the current lottery. Is he wrong?

Unfortunately, he wants to expand our coal and oil production. He wants to drill in Alaska and along the coast, and has approved the pipeline from Canada through the states. Few of us would agree with this policy.

While the President has given us all some senseless or regretable comments and with the mainstream media highlighting his faux pas and comments, we have a bad opinion of him and therefore his policies. 

We have good reason to dislike him. But is he on the right track on all of these issues?

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