Sunday, March 17, 2019

We're Liberal to a Degree

Bob Dylan wrote "I'm liberal to a degree, I want everyone to be free, but if you think I'd let Barry Goldwater (a conservtive Arizona senator and presidential candidate) move in next door or marry my daughter, you must think that I'm crazy."

How many of our liberal thinkers might say "I'm liberal to a degree, but if you think that we're for illegal immigration, free college, free healthcare, reparations for all Americans with African ancestry, late term abortion even if the  baby is born alive and chain immigration, you must think I'm crazy." 

Liberals used to be for America's underdog. It could be called the Underdog party. The underdogs were the disabled, the poor, the elderly, American Indians, and people of African or Latino heritage. The underdog label has been expanded. We now also represent the LGBTQ members, illegal immigrants, women in their fight for "equality." The underdog class now even includes the 99% of us who are not in the top 1%, making less than $500,000 a year. 

We are and have been against discrimination, want to improve our public schools, get companies to pay at least a living wage which might vary in each state or even cities in our states, an end to wars in the Middle East, and before that, Vietnam, reducing pollution  and ending homelessness, America's greatest disgrace. We accepted the right to have an abortion in the first trimester, the first 13 weeks. We wanted marijuana to be decriminalized and wanted to help the less fortunate here. We wanted affordable health coverage, not ACA. 

Suddenly, some liberals may have become socialists. Top dogs, the successful of white men have become the cause of all our problems. If we could tax them to death, they will be no income disparity.  Every student should get free college tuition regardless of family income. Even though every president from George W. to Clinton and Obama and Democratic leaders in Congress (Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer) stated that we must end illegal immigration even if we need to put up barriers to keep them out, new liberals now call it inhumane. 

The socialist members also wanted free Medicare for all 325 million of us even though it would cost an additional $3.5 trillion a year. Some candidates are saying that we should end private insurance, so if you have great private coverage, you must lose it and pay more taxes in excess of an added 100%. They must know that there is an easy solution from making it voluntary, to letting private insurers reject any applicant for medical reasons. Those denied coverage would able to get the "public option," a federal program with a share of cost depending on income. This was much like candidate Obama wanted, but was denied by Congress under pressure from medical insurers because it seemed that the public option would hurt their business instead of making it more profitable. 

When have members of one party attacked those of the other verbally and physically? When were they kicked out of restaurants and airplanes?  

Some wanted reparations to Americans of distant African heritage to get tax money, regardless of their income or claims their ancestors were slaves that ended more than 150 years ago. They also have suggested reparations for American Indians. This is something we can agree on. Elizabeth Warren would not be eligible, regardless of her high cheekbones.

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