The Evolution of America's Liberal Fascism
It started small. The liberals wanted to change the names used for black Americans and for American Indians. They insisted that we call the former African-Americans even though many can trace their roots here for centuries. The argument for changing the name for American Indians was that by so doing their conditions would improve not realizing their problems were not their name but their poverty, not being paid billions by the federal government it owes them for oil rights. The namers perhaps didn't realize that every person born in America is a native American.
This tendency then focused on the name of the Washington football team who had their name for 81 years without objection. Liberals did everything they could to force a change but the team resisted. In a poll taken of the affected group showed that 90% did not care.
Then in July of 2015 a disturbed person named Dylan Roof, killed nine church goers in South Carolina. When his Facebook picture had him carrying a Confederate flag, it was decided that the flag was the problem and liberals insisted that all of these flags must be taken down in public places. The government officials complied fearing the backlash.
Next there were protesters on college campuses over Halloween costumes, administrators' email comments and Princeton University having buildings named after Woodrow Wilson, who had been President of the United States and president of Princeton. They went on to object to the title Dorm Master, because it reminded them of slavery. They did not object to master's degrees though or titles using the word to connote excellence.
Then liberal protesters at UC Berkeley, the birthplace of the free speech movement, decided that they would not allow Conservative speakers like Ann Coulter and Milo's speech on campus because they did not agree to their right to free speech. Students were not ordered to hear the speech but didn't
want anyone to speak, if the students disagreed with their views. They hated these speakers because they were labeled haters, without realizing their hypocrisy. They rioted, destroying U.C. property and threatening the speakers' lives.
Next they decided the statues of Confederate heroes must be taken down because they fought for slavery, not knowing that they fought for states' sovereignty. Public officials rushed to exceed to their demand, but it wasn't soon enough, so left wing protesters tore down statues themselves.
Lately, they decided to protest right wing protesters because they were fascist. They attacked the group but their attack was blamed on the white supremacists and not the protesters or the police who waited one hour to intercede. When the President said that all three groups were to blame, politicians lined up to reprimand him for telling the truth but one that they did not accept. The far left group Antifa became much more violent to counter the right wing fascists not realizing that they themselves were fascists and much more violent than the supremacists. Meanwhile our brave politicians failed to blame the left wing fascists until Nancy Pelosi had the courage to call them out.
Then the alt left decided the former presidents who had slaves should not be honored. This list included George Washington. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson even though they were the founders of our country. Teddie Roosevelt felt that blacks are inferior so he too will be honored. What next? Should Mount Rushmore be destroyed? Should we no longer use currency that bear their images?
The President has been blamed for the apparent rise of right wing extremists and he was in part to blame. He spoke against illegal immigrants, mainly Mexicans, threatening to build a wall at our southern border and getting Mexico, a poor country, to pay for it. During his campaign he promised to keep all Muslims out of the country and later reduced the threat to immigrants from six violent, Middle Eastern countries. The white supremacists loved it and were emboldened by is non P.C. comments.
So who are these alt right members? They are not professionals like doctors, lawyers, psychologists, social workers, college professors, teachers, or journalists who are not negatively impacted by illegal immigration. None will compete with them for jobs or housing. They like the fact that illegals cost less for businesses and homeowners and feel compassion for the immigrants who have left their beloved countries because they not stand living there. The alt right is made up of uneducated, low income people who must compete with illegals for jobs and housing. Those against the illegals, blacks and Jews have low self- esteem caused by their lack of education and their low salaries. The alt right are at the bottom of the socioeconomic totem pole and want to have people lower than them, like blacks, Jews and immigrants. They are a sad lot with no real hope for the future
The left hate them for being hateful and are intolerant and hate and are intolerant of them without seeing the irony of their position.
Now is high time for journalists and politicians to come out and blame the alt left as well the those on the far right. They need to have the courage to proclaim the obvious. They need integrity and courage.
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