The Proper Response to Bigotry
Almost every American is against bigotry be it against Jews, blacks or Latinos. At least 99% of us are against it believing in the power and importance of love and tolerance.
Those who marched for bigotry in Charlottesville represented of minute number of Americans. Most are uneducated and of low income. They seek some cause to make them feel less inadequate.
What should our response be? We are against hatred but hate the haters. We believe in tolerance and compassion but show none to those we label as intolerant or lacking in compassion.
After the ACLU sued to allow right wing fascists to parade in Charlottesville, the group was met with angry crowds who confronted them. Since then many of us have shown our outrage toward the parade. Fights broke out and a woman was killed after a car crashed into the protesting crowd.
I suggest that coming out strongly against them and actually in other instances turning to violence and destruction as we saw at U.C. Berkeley when told the Ann Coulter was speaking or that Milo was going to be on campus and on several college campuses, took no courage because they were doing something with which 99% disagree. Lately several members of President's council working on job creation resigned, protesting the President's statement about the melee. They showed no courage knowing that almost all of us are against bigotry, nor do T.V. hosts or newspaper columnists show intelligence or bravery be speaking out against it.
When Milo or Ann Coulter came to speak exercising their right to free speech and taking a different position from the majority, especially on campus, no one was forced to hear them. What would have happened if no students showed up to hear them? Their free speech would not be impeded but would fall on deaf ears. What if the parade in Charlottesville got no attention from those against it or the media?
What if we who denounce hatred and intolerance refrained from exhibiting hatred and intolerance of the haters and intolerant, but just ignored their totally disagreeable opinion?
Just a thought.
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